December 19, 2022 : 2 Min

Heading into 2021

To my team,

As we head into 2021 I’d like to express deep gratitude for my team at The Corner Office. They’ve spent many long, difficult hours pouring over hundreds of pages of new tax legislation and relief programs this year, and they’ve given up a lot of their time. Their determination to help our clients survive this year has been inspiring. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

To our clients,

I think we’re all tired of seeing and hearing the word “unprecedented” so I promise you this will be the only time that word will be mentioned.

I’d like to speak frankly. In many ways this year has been terrible. We’ve had to deliver some bad news to some of our clients. There’s been bad news blasted constantly from every media outlet almost every second of the day. We’ve all felt at times like we’ve been backed into a corner (both literally and metaphorically). We’ve found ourselves working from the corners of our homes and offices and nothing about that has been easy. But in these trying moments we at The Corner Office have gained hope and optimism from watching our clients innovate, adapt, and just plain fight to keep their businesses going. We know you’ve had to make some incredibly difficult decisions because we’ve been right by your side when you’ve made them. It’s not easy to find a new way to sell your products or services in these times, but many of you have. And we’re incredibly proud that not one of our clients has had to close permanently this year.

At The Corner Office, we talk a lot about growth. Usually it’s easy to quantify exactly how much a business is growing because we know the numbers. This year has taught us that the growth of a business shouldn’t be limited to numbers on a page because we’ve watched our clients grow in many different ways. We’ve seen growth in resilience, innovation, and resolve. You can’t grade these traits with a number, but we’re learning just how vital they are.

We understand the struggles of small businesses because we’re a small business too. We know the deep concern you all had for your business, your staff and your families when March 2020 hit; the operational challenges that existed throughout the rest of the year; the hope you have for business to get back to normal—we know because we’ve felt it all, too. This shared experience makes us personally invested in every one of our clients. We can’t help it. We’re invested because we know how exciting it is to start your own business. We know how attached you grow to what you do and how your small business becomes like a part of your identity that you want to see thrive.

As we move forward into a new year with new hope in the form of a vaccine on the way, we want our clients to know that we’re here for them no matter what 2021 holds, and we’re incredibly proud to be working with so many small businesses that are integral to the character of this province.


Best wishes to all for healthy and happy New Year.

– Bev Betteridge, President & CFO


Check out our Dashboard, Migration, Apps Advisory, and Quickbooks services for 2021 at these links.